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<h3>About Us</h3>

<p>We are dedicated to providing investment management and strategic wealth planning to individuals, families, and businesses in our local community. Simply put, we strive to be our client’s trusted advisor. As a financial advisory firm, our primary focus is to provide unbiased opinions that are designed to achieve long term investment results.

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<h3>Our Philosophy</h3>

<p>As a firm, our focus is to understand your goals and develop a plan to reach them. We will meet with you to present an analysis and discuss our recommendations. Together, we implement the recommendations and monitor your progress. From here, we will plan regular meetings with you to assess the progress toward your goals and, when necessary, we will make adjustments to your financial plan.

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<h3>Our Process</h3>

<p>A strong planning process is the best way to create a more financially secure plan. It is crucial to create a financial plan that seeks to protect your needs now, and that plans for the future, in a tax efficient manner. It is our goal to assist you to build a solid financial structure that will stand the test of time and that will grow and build wealth for you and your family.

Our Services


Education Planning

Investments can play a key role in your financial security plan. For individuals, a mix of registered and non-registered savings, income and pension plans can help achieve short- and long-term goals. For employee groups, I can offer advice on registered and non-registered savings and pension plans...

Charitable Giving

Everyone has their own reason for gifting their assets or a portion of their income to charitable organizations. Some find comfort in helping others who are less fortunate, while others simply want to share their good fortune. Many of the institutions of art, sciences and education are supported in...


Investments can play a key role in your financial security plan. For individuals, a mix of registered and non-registered savings, income and pension plans can help achieve short- and long-term goals. For employee groups, we can offer advice on registered and non-registered savings and pension plans...


Insurance is essential to any comprehensive financial security plan. If tragic events like death, disability or critical illness strike, insurance can protect you and your family from undue hardship. Some life insurance policies also provide tax-advantaged savings that you can draw on to achieve...

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning today has taken on many new dimensions that never had to be considered by earlier generations. For one, people are living longer. A person who turns 65 today could be expected to live as many as 20 years in retirement as compared to a retiree in 1950 who lived, on average, an...

Managing Your Finances

Managing your finances is an important component to any financial security plan. Along with the protection offered through insurance and the goal setting provided by investment choices, money management strategies help you manage your savings on a daily basis. From mortgage payments to tax savings...

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the process of selecting a mix of asset classes that closely matches an investor’s financial profile in terms of their investment preferences and tolerance for risk. It is based on the premise that the different asset classes have varying cycles of performance, and that by...

Business Succession

The death of a partner or major stockholder in a business can have devastating effects on both the business and the deceased partner’s surviving family. The business is concerned with gaining control of the deceased partner’s interest at a fair price so that it can continue operations without...

Our Team

Investment Funds Representative

As an Investment Funds Representative at Hub Capital Inc. Kurt has been assisting clients with retirement planning and...

Certified Financial Planner®

After spending the first 20 years of his career as an account manager for a Fortune 100 company Bill transitioned to a...

Certified Financial Planner®

Jeff serves a Certified Financial Planner at Hub Capital with over 10 years’ experience in the financial services...

Investment Administrator

Elisa joined the team in 2014 as an Investment Administrator after over 5 years of experience working for Canada’s...

Investment Administrator

Sue has been part of the Financial Services Industry for over 20 years. In 2014 she joined the team as an Investment...

Investment Administrator

Melanie has served as Investment Administrator on the team for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree...

Certified Financial Planner®

Monika joined the team in 2016 as an Investment Administrator and received her CFP designation in 2022. As a young...

Investment Administrator

Rebecca joined the team in 2019 as an Investment Administrator. After finishing a Theatre Arts – Technical Production...

Featured In

The Copper Tree Financial team was recently featured in Windsor Life Magazine! Check it out by clicking the following link and skipping to pages 36 and 37.

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First, let’s start by uncovering the most common mistake in estate planning… Surprisingly, this frequently made mistake might already be on your doorstep. A staggering number of people haven’t yet started an estate plan. It’s a critical oversight that can have far-reaching implications, but this isn’t the only pitfall that can disrupt your planning efforts. Here’s a breakdown of 4 estate planning missteps and how to fix them: Mistake #1: Neglecting to Update Your Estate...
A power of attorney (POA) can grant you certain authority and specific responsibilities. While the extent and limitations of POAs can vary based on many factors, stepping into the role of power of attorney can be unlike anything else. That’s because it puts you in the driver’s seat to make key decisions and oversee vital needs for someone else. That doesn’t mean that POAs come with carte-blanche powers or that one power of attorney will mirror another. Explaining how POAs work, this guide shares more fundamentals, detailing some common types of powers of attorney and the responsibilities you may have as an agent of one of these devices.
How many years will your retirement last? What are the chances you’ll live past 90? Most of us answer those questions wrong because we don’t have strong longevity literacy. 1 That means that about 81% of us1 aren’t working with a viable understanding of our own life expectancy. Let’s explore how understanding longevity could create a positive impact in your retirement planning. What is longevity literacy? Longevity literacy refers to your knowledge about expected lifespans...

Industry News

Review of sales practices at Big Six banks finds risks of 'mis-selling' to customers | The Financial Post

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The Big Six banks will fleece you - if you let them | The Globe and Mail

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CIBC financial advisor says she does "daily harm to customers", disputes finding in banks probe | CBC News

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